Dependency Management – the Good, the Bad, the Ugly

Dependencies are an epidemic in software development. And the reality is, dependencies are not going to go away. As you scale your Agile efforts, your dependencies scale as well. Therefore, instead of just managing them, the solution to ruthlessly mitigating dependencies lies in empowering people and enabling flow.

Got ugly dependencies? Read on to find out how to apply both the agile mindset and actionable items to progress from ugly to good dependency mitigation. We’ll explain actionable strategies you can use to move your teams from managing dependencies to mitigating dependencies.

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Agile Engineering Fred Mastropasqua Agile Engineering Fred Mastropasqua

Another Real World BDD Example (#2)

This is my second real world BDD examples that we use here at Clearly Agile. I've been given permission to share this piece of code from the client.

In this example, we have a scenario where a user can create something called a "Project" and it has to have a correct "Open Date". Which is when the Project is complete.

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