Real World Example of BDD #1 - Behavior Driven Development. Agile Engineering Practices.

If you're not familiar with BDD, Behavior Driven Development, it's a way of writing requirements that can be automatically turned into code for agile developers to automated testing of that feature. Read more about it here. This post is about specific examples.

However, I gotten tired of seeing the same examples everywhere. The "As a math idiot..." ones and lack of real world uses. I thought I would share some of the real world examples of Behavior Driven Development patterns, or BDD. I've scrubbed the examples from any client information. 

In this example, I'm showing how we test for user language preferences to make sure the right language is showing. 

Feature: Language Translation
    As a user,
    I want to see application labels and messages in my own language
    So that I can understand what the application is saying

Given the following languages exist:
  | Name    | Culture |
  | English | en-US   |
  | Polish  | pl      |
  | Italian | it-IT   | 
And the following translations exist:
  | Language | Key                 | Translation             |
  | English  | Invalid Login       | Invalid Login           |
  | Polish   | Invalid Login       | Nieprawidłowy login     |
  | Italian  | Invalid Login       | Login non valido        |
  | English  | Site is Unavailable | Invalid Login           |
  | Polish   | Site is Unavailable | Strona jest niedostępna |
  | Italian  | Site is Unavailable | Sito non è disponibile  |
And the following sites exist:
  | Name         | DefaultLanguage |
  | Test Site #1 | English         | 

And the following users exist:
  | FirstName | LastName  | UserName   | Language |
  | Frank     | Castillo  | fcastillo  | Italian  |
  | Doug      | Messerski | dmesserski | Polish   |
  | Peter     | Jones     | pjones     |          |


Scenario: Receive Messages in my Set Language
    Given I am the user "fcastillo"
    When the system sends the message "Invalid Login"
    Then I should see the error message "Login non valido"

Scenario: Receive a Message in my Site Set Language
    Given I am the user "pjones"
        And my site language is set to "Polish"
    When the system sends the message "Invalid Login"
    Then I should see the error message "Nieprawidłowy login"

Scenario: Change the language I use
    Given I am the user "dmesserski"
    When I set my my language to "Italian"
    Then my language should be equal to "Italian"

In this next example we show another example of allowing the user to change his default language. 

Feature: Change Default Language
  As "Eddie"
  I want to be able to change my default language
  So that I can read the UI and messages in my preferred language.

Given the following languages exist:
  | Name    | Culture |
  | English | en-US   |
  | Polish  | pl      |
  | Italian | it-IT   | 
And the following translations exist:
  | Language | Key                 | Translation             |
  | English  | Profile updated     | Profile updated         |
  | Polish   | Profile updated     | Profil zaktualizowany   |
  | Italian  | Profile updated     | Profilo aggiornato      |
  | English  | Site is Unavailable | Site is Unavailable     |
  | Polish   | Site is Unavailable | Strona jest niedostępna |
  | Italian  | Site is Unavailable | Sito non è disponibile  |

And the following users exist:
  | FirstName | LastName | UserName | Language |
  | Jimmy     | Parker   | jparker  |          |
  | Paige     | Davis    | pdavis   | Polish   |

Scenario: Change Default Language
    Given I am logged into the system as "jparker"
    When I update my language to "Polish"
    Then my default language should be updated to "Polish"
        And I should see the message "Profil zaktualizowany"

Scenario: Update Default Language
    Given I am logged into the system as "pdavis"
    When I update my language to "Italian"
    Then my default language should be updated to "Italian"
        And I should see the message "Profilo aggiornato"

Well that's the two language examples. I'll be adding a couple of more soon.

Fred Mastropasqua

Fred Mastropasqua is the CEO of at Clearly Agile and Managing Partner of Synuma, LLC, and the only Certified Scrum Trainer based out of the Greater Tampa Bay region. He boasts over 25 years of IT experience building enterprise-level business applications, both infrastructure and software development, in roles such as Director of Application Development, Senior IT Manager, Software Engineer as well as Agile Coach and Trainer. Fred is a selfless leader and persistent problem solver that thrives on devoting time to each team member’s development and creating innovative solutions. When leading enterprise transformations, he coaches leadership on effective portfolio/product management and scaling techniques, mentors Agile professionals, and trains development teams on successfully implementing the Scrum framework. As a trainer, he leverages cognitive science, making classes exciting, collaborative, and engaging. Clients relish his hands-on approach to creating custom business applications for both cloud and mobile platform and his product visioning for Synuma SaaS. Fred currently holds several certifications in the areas of Agile, Scrum and Scrum@Scale, Software, and Networking and is consistently adding to his expertise.


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